
Response to data
In response to the data from last week, I'm exploring the steps in marketing a specifically online service. 

Early Resources
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Articles - 

Early Analysis
Exploring more complete online services for the real estate industry now puts our company in a leading position in the chasm of convenience we are trying to cross. Our timing is critical and important. It's even fair to say that timing will make or break Homesale's streak of market dominance in the greater Lancaster area. In order to capture the greatest ROI on this concept of virtual home sales... We must position ourselves much before the tipping point. Soon many competitors and eventually all real estate firms will rush to provide similar online services. It is much more worthwhile to be the pioneers, the leaders of the wave, rather than the followers who procrastinated change til the very last minute. 

The first steps in leading the market in a transition to enhanced online home sales, is creating and mastering an online workspace. Thanks to c19 and quarantine, I've already begun organizing my work life digitally, naturally. After all, as Realtor's we are required to keep client files for several years... The same goes for any digital client files. To master our trade online, we first need to re-visit the fundamental skills we learned about the trade in a traditional, pre-covid setting. These fundamental skills will need to be adapted to fit the online business world. 

No more file cabinets. 
Much more online storage. 
Less snail mail. 
Increased instant and digital communication. 
Remote meetings. 
Electronic contract signatures. 
No more desks. 
Opportunity to adapt and grow, or risk being left behind.

Foreseeable Hurtles 
A few unfortunately common issues we already see in the real estate industry as we know it, are fraud and scamming. Pushing for an even more digitally-based market will only increase the window of opportunity for criminals to pray on consumers in the market for new housing. What we see now is bad, to say the least... but as we further develop our online presence, scams will grow much more serious. Without meticulous regulation and exposure, scams could prove to be an unbearable nuisance to our goal. However, simply the existence of scammers and their known tactics highlight the value and importance of working with an industry professional. The more scams there are, the more reason consumer's have to work with a Realtor to protect their time, money and sensitive information. 

Scam Examples
- New listing photos used for rental property ad to collect application fees from renters. 
- Scammer's pretending to be office leaders, managers & CEO's, texting agents in an attempt to obtain sensitive information about the agent, a transaction, or the company. 
- Soliciting homeowners to purchase a copy of their deed following their settlement. Anyone can get a copy of their deed for free. 
- Impersonating agents to offer flexible, remote, lucrative job opportunities, only to exploit the sensitive information provided by job applicants. 
