Week 2 (12/23-12/27)

This week was strange because... it was Christmas.

Most Notable This Week

As the listing agent in one of my current transactions, I've become responsible for several of the buyer's agent's responsibilities. One of them being to meet with the buyers, walk them through the house and provide keys for them to move in early. I thought this was a good example of supply and demand in its simplest form. The demand for homes right now is so high, and the supply is so low. Not only did this house sell before it was actively advertised on the market, but the buyer's wanted to move into it before they technically even owned it. 

The buyer's agent was on vacation, so I agreed to meet with the buyers.

As a matter of fact, this is the home I grew up in for the last 10 years before I moved out. It was bitter sweet because I actually knew the family moving in there, their daughter graduated from the same high school as I did. 

I read that there will be a ton of new construction in 2020, but it will not be enough to ease the pressure from the growing demand. The millennial's are the largest generation to enter the market, ever.

Social Media

Throughout this week I continued prepping social media content for the weeks to follow. These were easier to create because of this holiday's, but I started to continuing post schedules. One is fearless Friday and the other is a monthly poll with fb live answer reveal. 


Christmas evening I went to my step aunt's for dinner. She recently moved back to town...My other aunt who also currently lives out of town was there to join us. There were some other people, maybe 20 total. 

The one who currently lives out of town is planning to come back-- she retires in less than year. I was happy to have a work opportunity through my extended family. It's a lot more fun working with warm clients. 

Wrapping It Up...

After this week, I felt weird. The between-holidays distraction was slowing me down. Never the less I had some goals in mind to keep me on track or the following weeks.  

1. I wanted to have more face-to-face meetings 
2. Make phone calls to all of my open house leads 3. Get 2 of my buyers pre-approved
